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Join Wild Nurturer & Special Guests to help provide Better Options to Balancing Your Menstrual Cycle & Reproductive Awareness
Hosted with Jennifer Langsdale & Special Guests Sarah Peshak & Christine Cassella
Enjoy taking the whole series, or choose the ones that interest you!
Each Class Includes:
🚺Yoga & Movement Practice & Suggestions for each part of your cycle
🚺Talks hosted by experts specific to that part of your cycle
🚺Flow Insight & Knowledge Building
🚺Herbal & Aromatherapy Support
🚺 Food & Mood Insight
🚺 Journaling & Relaxation
In a short series of classes sync'd with the moon and created to focus on each of the four phases of your cycle and how to support it. Safe for those who are flowing, using birth control, all-natural, or having irregularities, we support all walks of menstruation!
4 Class Series: Early Bird Sign up and save $50! ($199 early bird, $249 after July 15th)
Finding the flow of your creativity & aligning your cycle
Sun. Sept 15 10-12:15pm
45 min: Follicular Yoga Class
55 min: Talk Time -Basics of Learning to chart your cycle, Food, Movement & Mood for Follicular Phase with Snack!
20 min: Journal Exercise, Closing Chant & Relaxation
Exploring your energetic fertility & sensuality
Wed Oct 16th, 6:00-8:15pm
45 Min: Ovulation Yoga Class
30 Min: Learn the art of Yoni Steaming
30 Min: Herbs for Your Cycle
15 Min: Food, Movement & Mood for Ovulation Phase with Snack!
15 Min: Guided Journaling & Chant
Going Within: Learning how to balance anxiety & fatigue
Wed Nov 13th 6-8:15pm
50 min: Luteal Yoga Practice
60 min: Logistics of Menstruation: Hormones & Biology - Why am I so angry/moody/tired?
30 Min: Yoga Nidra for the Womb & Chant
Menstruation; Sacred Red Tent Time
Sun Dec1st 10-12:15pm
45 mins: Yoga For Your Flow
1 Hr: Practical Flow Management: What are my options? & Food & Mood
30min: Red Tent Time with Aromatherapy, Chant & Relaxation
A Series Dedicated to Birth, Yoga, Aromatherapy & Pregnancy Lifestyle
Hosted with Jennifer Langsdale, Jenna Hull, Christine Cassella & Other Birth Workers
Module 1: Intro to Birth, Yoga & Healthy Pregnancy Lifestyle
November 8, 9, & 10th 12-5pm
Module 2: Informed Birth: January 2025 TBD
This program is suitable for body workers, yoga teachers, doulas, or women wishing to learn more about pregnancy. Certifcate of Completion available for CE's
Jennifer Langsdale MS | C-IAYT | Clinical Holistic Aromatherapist | Yoga Therapist , your director, is a 20 Year Yoga & Wellness Professional, Owner of The Wild Nurturer Wellness Studio & Aromatherapy.
She is a Certified Yoga Therapist & Highly Educated Aromatherapist living near Cleveland Oh. She has certified over 100 individuals in Yoga, Yoga Therapy and now Aromatherapy. Jennifer has a Master's of Science focused on Essential Oil Research.
She has hosted yoga trainings at her own studios and around Cleveland since 2009.
Jenna Hull has taught prenatal yoga since 2015. She is a trained and experienced doula (DONA) and educated in Spinning Babies, along with skills and experience using the rebozo, birth ball, and peanut ball. Jenna is also an Advanced Reiki Practitioner. She authored Inspired Birth - Affirmations for the Childbearing Year, illustrated by local artist Brittany Selfe Paynter.
Jenna is mama to three children, her greatest accomplishment. All babies were born at home and it was a life changer. Jenna became impassioned about empowered birth and has brought that energy and love to prenatal yoga.
While women’s health and feminist issues have always been central to my life it was when I became pregnant with my first (unborn) child that I realized how little I knew about pregnancy and birth. This led to a cascade of research that opened my eyes to the importance of the childbearing year for both women and children. Not all births will be perfect. Not all births will go exactly as planned, but women and children always deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. . To that effect, I began training to be a birth doula with Birth Arts International in 2017 and finished my certification in 2019. I also began pursuing the path of Midwifery in 2018 and am studying to become a Certified Professional Midwife. I hold a Master’s Degree in Biology through Case Western Reserve University. I spent 5 years studying the health and wellness of nonhuman primates, earning my PhD candidacy along the way.
Sarah Peshek is the owner of Sarsey Seams, where she provides both services and products for increasing mindfulness and sustainability connected to menstruation. Since 2020, she has been creating a broad line of handmade reusable items, which includes a special focus on menstrual hygiene products. Through this work, she helps clients understand simple ways to reduce their use of single-use disposable products while also increasing understanding of their cycles.
She received a Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences degree and a Master of Education degree from the University of Toledo. Since 2015, her primary life's work has been the home education of her three children. Sarsey Seams allows her to connect the threads from across her life into lasting change for her clients and Mother Earth.
The Wild Nurturer
9930 Johnnycake Ridge Road Concord, Ohio 44060 - Unit 2F