Started my career as a certified Yoga Teacher in a basic structured yoga training program close to home in 2003. Went on to teach as much as I could as I worked towards a yoga therapy certification and advanced yoga training certificate. Accomplished this around 2006. Continued on to a training with world-renowned teacher Shiva Rea studying with her at Kripalu Yoga Center for another 300 hour certification in Prana Vinyasa Flow, completing this in 2011.
I began my own yoga school and yogic studies programs in 2008, and opened up a one room studio at the Shore Cultural Centre, who rented huge old high school classrooms for super affordable prices... we sometimes had heat, no AC,no elevator and mini toilets to use, but my trainings were affordable and the room was spacious.
I went on to own two yoga studios, I started out with one that was in a historic house zoned for commercial use, and we had a little shop with two small studios and two healing arts rom and a fantastic retail shop. I loved it, but we out grew it fast and moved on to my idea of what I would want an ideal studio to look like, so I went the white box route, where you get a shell to work with and design it yourself.
I lucked out with great property managers and a gorgeous studio that was around 2600sq feet, about double what I had before. It had 2 studios, treatment space, shop & community tea space. It was highly successful until the pandemic changed everything for me and my business structure. I graciously closed my doors in 2020 shortly after trying to re-open under the new requirements.
I have worked with 1000's of students and clients. I have taught all over Northeast, Ohio in schools for students or teaching staff, private office settings, yoga studios besides my own, fitness centers, peoples homes, my homes, and even at the Cleveland Clinic. I have hosted classes inside, outside, you name it, I have probably taught there, and it feels great to know I did all that to get to where I am today, still doing what I love to do.
Aromatherapy as a new art and supportive therapy to support my yoga therapy career. My favorite place to teach yoga now is in barns, who would have thought? I have hosted, designed and marketed many successful events including retreats, pop-ups, all day healing arts festivals, yoga trance dance events. I remember when I hosted my first large scale event, it was called "A Goddess Affair". We had classes running all day, readers, massage people, reiki, and included the local businesses in the building. It was a huge venue, and I can say a ton of work, but at the end of the day, it was worth it! It helped take shape for many of the open houses I hosted at my yoga studios for a decade.
My newest venture was to create a workspace out of my home while I navigated a year and a half of homeschooling for the kids and finishing up my graduate work. I opened under a new name "Wild Nurturer" and Heaven & Earth Aromatherapy as a home office suite for seeing private clients and a beautiful lab space for all my creations. At first it was a bit odd to return to working at home, that was how I started in my single days before kids, and downsizing from all that space to a one room half bath studio was odd, but now I can say I love it. I have way more time to focus on what I love to do, HEAL PEOPLE.
Fancy Qualifications:
Certified through the International Alliance of Yoga Therapists (C-IAYT)
Master's of Science in Essential Oil Research & Aromatherapy Certified Yoga Teacher x 3 -
Hatha 2003, Yoga Therapy 2005 & Prana Vinyasa Flow through Shiva Rea's Samudra School 2010
Feel free to contact us with any questions, inquiries, or to schedule an appointment.
By Appointment Only
The Wild Nurturer
9930 Johnnycake Ridge Road Concord, Ohio 44060 - Unit 2F